Help us realize our long-term vision.
A century ago, Ms. Nightingale and Ms. Bamford opened the blue doors to a schoolhouse of four students. Today, at 686 students strong, there is no denying the significant and steady rise of The Nightingale-Bamford School. While we remain committed to the core values set forth by our founders, it is the unwavering dedication of today's community that propels us into our second century.
To sustain the continued development of this special school, we rely on the involvement, support, and enthusiasm of each community member. This spirit of generosity is vital in helping our students thrive academically and form meaningful, life-long relationships.
Endowment Giving
Endowment Giving
A robust endowment provides the resources we need to assure our independence, sustainability, and excellence.
Essentially, our endowment is Nightingale’s savings account. To ensure the school’s financial sustainability, it is vital that we grow our endowment. The endowment plays a critical role in providing essential operational revenue that is not reliant on tuition. Income from the endowment is used to supplement the operating budget and to provide long-term financial stability for Nightingale while freeing up resources for other institutional needs and priorities.
- Total School Endowment
- Unrestricted Funds
- Restricted Funds
All figures are as of August 2024
Endowment Spending Policy
The Endowment is invested by the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees with the strategic objective of increasing its value through appreciation while preserving principal.
It is Nightingale's policy to appropriate for expenditure annually four percent (4%) of a trailing two-year average of the Funds' total asset value at the beginning of the year, with the understanding that this spending rate plus inflation will not normally exceed total real return (return net of inflation) from investments.
Different Funds for Different Needs
- Faculty Excellence
The Fund provides resources for our faculty to learn, unlearn, and relearn their craft.
- Living Curriculum
This Fund provides resources to explore new programming and experiences, thus investing in preparing students for future opportunities.
- Increased Access
The Fund ensures that every qualified student has access to all that a Nightingale education has to offer.
- Emerging Opportunities
This Fund allows Nightingale the flexibility to align resources where the opportunity or need is the greatest.
Planned Giving
Planned Giving & The Luscinia Society
You can make a lasting contribution to future generations by designating Nightingale as a beneficiary of your estate plan. In doing so, you can make a significant gift to Nightingale to assure its future, while also possibly providing tax benefits for yourself and your family. Unless you designate otherwise, all planned gifts will be added to the school’s board-designated endowment, when received, to ensure that your gift supports Nightingale in perpetuity.
By making a planned gift, you will join countless others in The Luscinia Society.
Planned gifts are integral to endowment growth and can come in the form of appreciated securities, bequests, life insurance, retirement plans, gift annuities, retained life estate, or charitable trusts.
If you are making a planned gift, please provide Nightingale's tax ID number: 13-1106710
Questions? Reach out to us at any time.
Elizabeth "Oz" Oswald
Director of Institutional Advancement(212) 933-6505eoswald@orkexpo.netEmily Bronstein
Director of Alumnae Relations (212) 537-5655 ebronstein@orkexpo.netAva Easterwood
Advancement Associate(212) 933-6778aeasterwood@orkexpo.netRene Mitchell
Director of Annual & Leadership Giving (212) 933-6594 rmitchell@orkexpo.netMegan Sanderville
Annual Giving Manager(212)